Ruth Liebling Grad Dip Phys MCSP HCPC BSCH RZT
Treats back and neck pain and all musculoskeletal conditions. Ruth has a special interest in complex chronic pain, reflexology and hypnotherapy.

Ruth trained at The Joint Service School of Physiotherapy based at RAF Halton and qualified in 1979.
After working in the NHS as well as in Canada and in a private hospital she set up North West London Physio & Treatment Centre with Gonda Lewis in 1986.
Ruth enjoys treating patients with complex chronic pain. She is particularly interested in the mind and body connection and how this influences pain tolerance, the ability to exercise and overcoming depression associated with pain.
Ruth trained as a Reflexologist in 1994. Reflexology can be used to treat physical problems as well as conditions affecting the organs of the body. In 2008 Ruth qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Being able to help patients with a variety of problems such as phobias, anxiety, insomnia and low self-esteem through hypnosis, has been exciting and fascinating.
Ruth is married with two daughters.
In her spare time, Ruth loves outdoor swimming and walking her dog. She enjoys art, the theatre cinema and reading.